The Live Like Bella® Foundation works tirelessly with researchers and institutions to make pediatric cancer a treatable and curable disease. We are proud to partner with some truly amazing and talented individuals. Since inception we’ve made 66 research trials possible.

In-Treatment and Memorial Support
With our organization’s mission always in mind, we strive to assist families affected by childhood cancer on an international level. We assist these families with monthly expenses such as rent, electricity bills, medical copays, gas, groceries, and more.

Legislation and Advocacy
In addition to our work with patients and in research, we are committed to advocating for pediatric cancer patients in all levels of government relations.

Childhood Cancer by the Numbers
Childhood cancer is the #1 disease killer of children, with 42. children being diagnose every single day. The Live Like Bella® Foundation is committed to making a difference in the lives of children battling cancer by providing financial support through a family’s journey.

Children Cancer Caring Center Fund
In celebration of the CCCC’s 55th Anniversary, a fund has been established at the Live Like Bella® Childhood Cancer Foundation to expand the scope of pediatric cancer treatment, including clinical trials and family support.