Pictured left to right, Raymond Rodriguez-Torres Live Like Bella® Chairman of the Board, Nicole de Lara Puente Live Like Bella® CEO, and Joseph A. Ladapo, MD, PhD Florida State Surgeon General gathered at our 2022 Live Like Bella® Pediatric Cancer Research Symposium.
Join us for a day of innovation and discovery
September 12, 2025
The Live Like Bella® Pediatric Cancer Research Symposium is a full-day event that brings together researchers from renowned universities and hospitals around the world. The symposium will focus on groundbreaking research studies funded by the State of Florida’s Live Like Bella® Pediatric Cancer Research Grant Program. It fosters collaboration and information sharing among scientists and will consist of topic focused sessions designed for clinicians, researchers, students and families.
Attendance is complimentary and pre-registration is required as seating is limited! Breakfast and lunch will be provided and symposium will be followed by a cocktail reception.