Things to know before applying for In-Treatment Assistance:

  • Patient must be diagnosed with cancer and actively undergoing treatment
  • Patient must be 21 or younger at the time of diagnosis
  • While Live Like Bella® makes best efforts to fulfill requests, assistance is not guaranteed
  • Families residing in Florida are eligible for up to $3,000 in in-treatment support

In-Treatment Assistance application guidelines:

  • Applications are only accepted by our patient portal (no emails, calls, or faxes will be accepted)
  • Applications will be accepted ONLY between the 1st and 15th day of each month. If the deadline is missed, the applicant must wait until the following month to apply
  • Once submitted, all applications must be verified by the social worker or treating facility
  • Once verification is complete, a member of the family services team at Live Like Bella® will contact the family directly for the next steps

A special thank you to the Children’s Cancer Caring Center and Miami Dade County for helping us support Florida families!